Perkins Classic Brailler Repair Services
We are pleased to announce a partnership with a local Certified Perkins Brailler repair person. Perkins Braillers can be cleaned and repaired for a minimal fee that supports the rehabilitation efforts offered through The Sight Center.
Perkins Classic Braillers are repaired for a fee of $50 per brailler plus the cost of any parts required to restore full functioning. The repaired brailler will be returned via Free Matter for the Blind whenever possible. Otherwise, standard UPS charges will be applied.
Mail or deliver your brailler to:
The Sight Center of Northwest Ohio
1002 Garden Lake Parkway
Toledo, Ohio 43614
• Make sure to utilize a sturdy box with appropriate packaging to protect the brailler.
• Include your name and contact information inside the box for payment purposes or in case it is damaged during transit.
• Braillers will be returned in the same shipping box/packaging in which they are sent.
Complete the form below, or contact us at 419-720-3937 or