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Adapt and Overcome: A Former Soldier’s New Mission

Photo of Jen Reynolds
Jen Reynolds

When Jen Reynolds learned she had Stargardt disease, she didn’t crumble, but went into action. Driven by an innate optimistic personality and fueled by eight years of military training, this 38-year-old Lucas County resident saw the diagnosis as her new mission.

After a lifetime of perfect vision, Jen started noticing subtle changes a couple years ago. While taking American Sign Language classes to become an interpreter, she would occasionally miss some of the signs. “It’s like there had been a missing piece of what I had seen” she recalls. Another incident occurred while applying eyeliner. “It was harder to see what I was doing when looking through my right eye only” said Jen.

On October 20, 2017, Jen scheduled a routine eye exam. Thinking she finally needed glasses after 39 years, she was confused when her eye doctor ran so many tests. That’s when she heard the words “Hereditary Macular Dystrophy” and was referred to a retinal specialist.

Eager to research the condition and learn as much as she could, Jen determined she has an early onset form of macular degeneration called Stargardt disease. This self-diagnosis was confirmed by her retinal specialist the following week. Stargardts, which usually manifests itself in early childhood, typically leads to legal blindness. “I have decided to remain positive through all of this” she states, adding “I know I can adapt and overcome as the military has taught me.”

A recent visit to The Sight Center opened Jen’s eyes to a new world of low vision devices, adaptive techniques, and assistive technology solutions. “I want to start learning as much as I can now while I still have more vision” she said, adding “I’m already planning on getting an iPhone!”

Looking at the world through her new eyes and her same old optimistic lenses, Jen Reynolds said “This journey has introduced me to many new amazing people I would have otherwise never met”, quipping “I only SEE that as a gift!”